Dziesmusvētku school – Haralds Mednis cultural education center

It is a center of culture, knowledge and creativity for interested people of all ages, educating the public and increasing awareness of the heritage of the Latvian Song and Dance Festival and its importance.

In the museum, you can familiarize yourself with the life, impressions and sources of inspiration of Haralds Mednis and his love of song. You can also feel the magic of the Song Festival, listen to the choir's song repertoire, try your hand at conducting and get into the role of a conductor. You can look back at the history of the Song and Dance Festival
The museum is interesting for visitors of any age, including people with mobility impairments.
Small groups of people can visit the museum.
Dziesmusvētki school is a place to learn and, above all, to feel what The Song and Dance Festival is, how it was formed and developed in Latvia. You can get to know the repertoire of The Song and Dance Festival as well as its values and traditions. There is the "The Song and Dance Festival Bookshelf” in one of the exhibition rooms, where materials, memories and songs of the Song Festival are collected.
The cultural education center is located in the renovated "Dzintari" house of the Haralds Mednis family. This house was built in 1931. The exposition is based on the interior and exposition project developed by the architect Austris Mailītis. The bread oven and the family table were restored in the room of H. Mednis mother. The territory of the courtyard of family houses is well-maintained.

Working time

Mo: closed
Tu, We, Su: upon prior request
Th, Fr, Sa: 10am – 5pm