A repository of ethnography and household items in Sarkaņi

The museum storage has been open since May 2016. It offers an opportunity to see, search and find the past, as well as to get to know objects that have not yet been seen in the expositions and exhibitions of the central museum. The storage is part of the Madona Regional History and Art Museum, which you can search for here on the “Vidzemēs” website.

The storage includes a collection of craft work tools, a collection of furniture and household items, living room furnishings of the late 19th and 20th centuries, an exposition on tanks and measures, an exposition on linen and wool processing tools, an exposition dedicated to the people of Madona - the family of the writer Viktors Eglītis, actress Olga Dreģe, composer and conductor Valdis Breģis and musicologist Jēkabs Vītoliņš.
The storage is interesting for visitors of any age, children's groups are encouraged.
The storage can be visited in small groups.
Around 3,000 ethnographic items can be viewed in the open collection rooms set up in the former Sarkaņi school. Basically, the collection here covers the handicraft tools and creations typical of the 19th - mid-20th centuries, reflecting the traditions of that time. In the former Sarkaņi school, in the rooms equipped for storage, craftsman's tools and creations are exhibited according to thematic groups, including wool and linen processing, furniture and room furnishings of the end of the 19th century to the first half of the 20th century, household items, traditional measures and containers. The exhibition created for the residents tells us about the residents of Sarkaņi – the personalities of the cultural life of Latvia – the writer Viktors Eglītis, the musicologist Jēkabs Vītoliņš, the conductor and composer Valdis Breģis and the actress Olga Dreģe.
The museum storerooms can be viewed during the winter upon prior request.

Working time

Mo: closed
Tu, We, Th, Fr: 10am – 7pm
Sa, Su: By appointment