Nord Wolf – Cesvaine brewery

Strong potions created in the ancient Cesvaine brewery are based on the ancient traditions of enjoying and making drinks, and they fill the cellars of Baron Wolf again!

The brewery is located in the park of Cesvaine Castle. Several varieties of foreign trees and shrubs grow there. Here you can find a mound, where the former owner of the manor - Adolf von Wulf, is buried, a fragment of the medieval castle ruins, Sula river, ponds, a memorial sign for the repressed gymnasium students in 1941, and the graves of soldiers of the Soviet Army of the Second World War. Fragments of the ruins of the Riga Archbishop's castle, built in the 14th century and destroyed in the Livonian War, have been preserved next to the northern facade of the castle. Each traveller can independently go for a walk to see the historical buildings and places in the castle complex. You can find a map of the outdoor exhibition in the tourist center, on the stands near the castle and the parking lot.
Strong alcoholic drinks like gin, vodka, and infusions of various Latvian berries are available for gourmets looking for new tastes. Excursions and tastings are also offered.
It is possible to visit the brewery and participate in tastings in small groups. Prior booking of the visit is mandatory.
Beer, wine and brandy have been known in Cesvaine since ancient times. The first tavern was mentioned before 1520. Cesvaine can be proud of the once largest and most important inn in Vidzeme - Šļakas inn. Baron Wolf's castle cellars have always been full of good bottles of wine, liqueur and brandy.
The brewery is open on weekdays and is easily accessible at any time of the year.

Working time

Visit only with prior booking for a certain day and time.