Mazvieķi – a farm

A family works quietly but productively in the middle of the Vidzeme highlands, where hundreds of breed sheep graze in free and scenic nature.

"Mazvieķi" is located in a scenic area, where hills alternate with depressions. The farm is close to the Vieķi castle hill.
A tour of the farm is offered. The farm was founded by Gunārs and Laima Ciekuržni in 2001 with the aim of developing vegetable and fruit growing. They were not going to develop sheep breeding seriously, but they did not like that the land was overgrown and not maintained. So, they decided to buy five sheep and a cow to use and maintain the land, which has grown to more than 260 sheep. Read more about the Ciekuržni family in the "Human Stories" section.
It is possible to enjoy a special lamb soup as in the "Mērnieku laiki” (The Times of Surveyors") by prior application.
The place is suitable for visitors of different ages and is also attractive to younger generations.
The place is suitable for groups; however, the road may not be suitable for large vehicles.

Working time

Visit only with prior application for a certain day and time.