Brewery “Cesvaines alus darītava”

Reviving the ancient traditions of beer brewing, Cesvaine is producing a lively drink that tastes of the best combination of history and the 21st century.

Cesvaines Alus has revived the 150-year tradition of Cesvaine brewing, which was started in 1865 by the first manor brewer. The authentic beer bottles and bottle labels were found thanks to the museum's materials and the responsiveness of the residents of Cesvaine. So, based on these authentic labels the existing bottle design was also developed. The offer includes tours of the production plant and tastings. Pre-registration is mandatory.
Cesvaine brewery is one of the smallest craft breweries in the Baltics. "Live" beer is brewed over an alder wood fire, then kept in an oak vat. The beer gets its clear colour and pure taste thanks to the highest quality raw materials and a slow maturation process. The new beer is kept in the barrel for at least 30 days.
The place is available for group visits. Please contact in advance to find out about restrictions.
The brewery is available at any time of the year.

Working time

Visit only with prior application for a certain day and time.