Wild Bird Rehabilitation Station

In 2014, one of Latvia’s most important ornithologists of our time established the first wild bird sanctuary in Latvia in the Vidzeme highlands, while a severely injured white-tailed eagle became its “permanent resident”.

The purpose of the station's operation is the rehabilitation and return to nature of birds of specially protected species. The station accepts falcons and owls, as well as black storks and the western capercaillies, which have not been found to have incurable body injuries or broken limbs. The bird rehabilitation station has specialized aviaries designed for housing birds during recovery and a separate building for birds that have recovered their health, where birds are housed before being released into the wild. The white-tailed eagle, which previously lived in the Riga Zoo, has become a permanent resident of the rehabilitation station. The white-tailed eagle was once injured, although the eagle was cured, it is no longer able to fly, so it cannot survive in the wild.
Nature hikes are organized from the rehabilitation station with animal watching or tracking of animal tracks.
The owner of the wild bird rehabilitation station is Uģis Bergmanis, an experienced environmental expert and one of the leading researchers of small eagles in Latvia and Europe. You can visit the wild bird rehabilitation station under his guidance and hear some interesting stories about nature and experiences. Seminars on a wide range of nature topics also take place. Read more about Ugis in the "Human Stories" section. NB! If you have found a sick or injured bird of the order of falcons or owls in the national forests or anywhere else, please report it to Ugis!
The place will be attractive for all generations, especially children.
The place is available for small groups.

Working time

Visit only with prior application for a certain day and time.