
The heart of the Vidzeme highlands, Gaiziņkalns is the most recognisable and also highest peak in Latvia. Surrounded by many stories, this hill is a lure for almost every resident of Latvia.

The area around Gaiziņkalns is one of the most scenic places in Latvia and one of the highest elevations. In the vicinity of Gaiziņkalns (311.94 m above sea level) there are also other big hills of Latvia - Sirdskalns (297 m above sea level), Abrienas hill (287 m above sea level), Dravēnu hill (283 m above sea level). 8 of the 10 highest peaks in Latvia are located at the foot of Gaiziņkalns. The "Gaiziņkalns" nature park, which was founded more than 60 years ago - in 1957, spreads over an area of 2,000 hectares. The territory was created to protect the typical hilly terrain and lakes of the Vidzeme highlands, their natural and cultural values. It is defined as an exceptionally scenic area with the characteristic scenery of the Vidzeme highlands. The nature park is included in the "Natura 2000" network of specially protected natural areas of the European Union.
There are several winter sports bases in the territory of Gaiziņkalns. Various competitions are regularly held around the hill. Several marked pedestrian and cycling trails start from Gaiziņkalns. For winter sports, look for the recreation complex "Gaiziņš" here on the "Vidzemēs" website.
Gaiziņkalns is available for an unlimited number of people. There is a large parking area next to the peak.
The name Gaiziņš comes from the word Gaiszinis which means the one who knows the weather, because the mountain is still considered a reliable predictor of the weather. If it is wrapped in fog or a foggy haze rises from it, then precipitation is expected no later than on the third day.
The territory of Gaiziņš is one of the most picturesque winter destinations in Latvia. There are several winter sports centres around the hill - search for GOLGĀTS on our website!

Working time

This place is always available.