The ruins of the old mill in Auziņi

These ancient mill ruins are hidden even from many locals. The mill has crumbled under the weight of time, yet the machinery itself has miraculously remained in good shape! Please be careful near the ruins.

The ruins of the mill are located in the middle of a thick, beautiful forest. Recently their area has been mowed and maintained, but part of the mill has grown wild. You can get to the ruins by crossing a scary bridge, which is placed on the third largest boulder of Latvia - Velna skroderis. Read more about the boulder here, on the "Vidzemēs" website.
There was a dam on the Kūjas river and water was supplied to the mill of Lize Malta, owner of Auziņi houses in Prauliena parish, from 1892. The mill had 3 flour mill arrangements and a fulling mill in continuous operation. They removed the upper boards of the dam locks when floating trees along the Kūja River, so that the dam would not serve as a hindrance to the floating of trees and materials, which happened regularly in the Kūja River. In the 1930s and later, various reclamation works were regularly carried out to straighten the Kuja River. This may have been one of the reasons why the mill stopped working, but it is unclear when it happened.
Several elements of mill turbines can be found in the area, almost intact vertical turbine equipment can still be found in the former interiors.

Working time

The place is only available in summer.