Jaunpiebalga Parish Hall (Abrupe Folk House)

A luxurious roadside residence with a rich local cultural and political history.

In 1917, the Piebalga District Committee of the Latvian Social Democratic Party was located in the building. This is indicated by a plaque on the wall of the building. During the years of Soviet rule, the executive committee (until the 1950s), the Folk House, the Gauja library (until 2003), the board of the collective farm "Kaļiņins", and the dormitories were located here. Many important decisions for Jaunpiebalga rural territory were made here and various cultural events have taken place in the building. It has been the social and cultural center of the inhabitants for a long time, it experienced all the great political changes and powers of the 20th century.
In the publication "50 years of the Jaunpiebalga Singing Society", published in 1935, it is written: "In 1890, Jaunpiebalga Parish built a large parish house with a court meeting hall on the second floor. Parish scribe J. Orniņš is a supporter of the Jaunpiebalga Singing Society, a long-term auditor (since 1891) and a director later. He helped to reach an agreement between the association and the parish, after which the association built premises for itself on the second floor in 1894, using the meeting hall and the not-yet-built space in the attic, next to the hall. A huge, vaulted hatch had to be broken in the capital wall of the hall to connect the hall with the stage; the society also built the stairs to the stage. Currently it is a residential building."
The place can be viewed at any time of the year.

Working time

Outside space is always available.