The ruins of Vatrāne Manor

All that remains of its former, vandalized glory are walls and crumbling buildings, but the place is still worth a visit in the dry season! Please be careful near the ruins.

There used to be a picturesque park around Vatrāne manor, known since 1759. There is the approach road to the parade yard with a round space, and there are two alleys behind the palace building. You can see expressive linden groups on the edge of the pond, fir trees on the southern edge of the park and the water mirror of the pond from the viewpoint of the palace terrace. Several exotic trees grew in the park – European larch, butternuts and others. Nearby, there was a beautiful park with a pond and shaded alleys. The surroundings were well-maintained when the school was operating in Vatrāne. A decorative garden was created under the leadership of educator and scientist P. Alsups and the school director V. Kokins. The garden was close to the old manor garden in terms of arrangement and plant species. The old garden was destroyed by nature and people. Today, little remains of the manor building complex and the beauty of the cultivated park, but two walnut trees are still alive.
The place is suitable for small groups.
The Vatrāne manor complex was first mentioned during the Swedish-Polish war (1600-1629). The Swedes occupied Vidzeme and after consolidating their power there, handed over many manors, including the Vatrāne manor, to their officers. After 1698, a settlement had already formed around the manor. In 1834, it came into the possession of the German baron Tranze family. In the riots of 1905, the building of the lords of the manor was burned down; later it was restored. The last owner of Vatrāne manor was Baron Professor Pauls Sokolovskis. In 1939, when the descendants of the owners repatriated to Germany, an auxiliary farm of the Ministry of Health Protection was established in the manor. During the Soviet years, a 7-grade elementary school was established in the manor's house. There was a shop on the right side of the manor. Entrance to the store was via wooden stairs. In the 1970s, the school was closed and apartments were created in the building. In 1988, it was maliciously burned down and has not been restored. Not far from the building of the lords of the manor is the protected Vatrāne alley, which you can find more about here, on the "Vidzemēs" website.
The construction of the center of the manor began after 1834 and was completed in 1875. The palace building is made from bricks, it is one-storey, with a mansard floor in the classicist style. The central part is two-storey, with a high attic. A single-storey kitchen is a later addition to the right wing. Terraces with wide stairs have been built on the side of the parade and the garden.

Working time

This place is always available.