Lautere Manor

Lautere Manor is one of the most beautiful complexes of small manors in the heart of the Vidzeme highlands. It is reviving rapidly, having recently been renovated and then demolished.

The manor is currently managed and restored by the local people of Gaiziņš: Agita Kalniņa with her spouse and colleague Laimonis Onzulis. Laimonis once also worked on the restoration of Rundāle Palace. The family has been working in the field of woodworking for more than 20 years, but the restoration of the manor is a challenge and a new experience. Read more about Agita and Laimonis in the "Human Stories" section.
The place is available for viewing from outside for larger groups.
Over time, the Lautere manor was mortgaged and sold, taken away and nationalized, it was a residential building, but during the World War I soldiers settled in it. In 1905, it was partially burned down. Initially, Lautera Viesienas parish existed here, which was dissolved on December 31, 1949. In the house of the lords of the manor there was a boarding house, later a post office, a shop, and the parish administration. In 1996, the property rights were restored to the relatives of the last private owner of the manor – Alma Rozenberg. They were brothers Georg - George and Aron - Aleksandrs Orkovi, who sold it to Julia Dvoinikova later, in 1999. Unfortunately, the guesthouse was mortgaged, repossessed, and the bank put it up for auction in 2017. Thus, there was an opportunity to buy it. In 2017, the manor buildings were vandalized.
On October 18, 1856, at the request of Karl Gottfried von Berens, the owner of the Bērzaune manor, the Vidzeme Chamber Board gave an order to separate about 17 plots of farmer's land from the Bērzaune manor and name this newly created estate the Lautere (Lauterensee) manor. The village grew up in the post-war years as a collective farm and later as a village of the Soviet farm "Viesiena". The building of the Lautere manor (castle, gardener's cottage, corner tower and granary) is a monument of local cultural history.
The place is available from the outside at any time of the year.

Working time

Outside space is always available.