Bolenu spring

One of the most popular healing springs in Latvia, which is attributed with the ability to heal ailments of the eyes!

It is believed that the Bolēni spring is hypsometrically the highest flowing spring in Latvia today - approximately 262 m above sea level. The spring is located in an 8-meter deep, fabulous ash ravine, it is about 1.5 square meters in size, 20-30 cm deep. Downstream from the outlet, a channel has been placed in the bed of the spring for the purpose of taking water. Bolēni spring is a protected geological and geomorphological natural monument. Donation traditions have been preserved even now, as evidenced by fabric ribbons tied in the branches of nearby trees and bushes. Both Bolēni hill and its source are located in the protected landscape area of Vestienas, which is a "Natura 2000" area.
We invite you to respect the private property and go to the Bolēni spring with a group of no more than ten people. There is no infrastructure suitable for buses at the source.
"Popularly, the spring is also known as the spring of Health, Life or Eyes, some recognize it as the spring of Laima. The small river Raganīte originates from it. In ancient times, a big ash tree grew right above the spring, but Laima often sat on the ash branch. Once, the spring had not yet flowed, Laima sat and cried a lot of tears. The White Father passed by and asked why Laima was crying. Laima replied that she felt sorry for the poor girls, as she wished them a long life and good health, but they were attacked by various evil ailments, preventing the wish from coming true. "May your tears heal them!" said the White Father, and since then the water of Life has begun to flow towards the sun from the ash trees where Laima's tears had fallen..."
The water in the spring always seems to boil and does not freeze in winter, because the water has a constant temperature of + 7 °C all year round. It should be noted that the path to the spring may not be clear of snow.

Working time

The place is always available when it is not snow season.