Velna skroderis – a huge boulder

The Velna skroderis boulder has been known for at least a century, but it was found out that it had become the largest boulder in Vidzeme and the third largest in Latvia only in 1982, when the Kujas river reclamation works were carried out!

The boulder is located in a scenic location, in the bend of the Kujas river. You have to pass through a tidy, private farm "Jaunauzini” before you can reach the boulder.
The place is attractive for all generations.
You can order a picnic with soup cooked in the big pot on the fire at Velna skroderis boulder. Please apply in advance via the phone number below. The offer is available for groups of 10 people and more.
The following saying is known about Velna Skroderis boulder: "The devil had enmity with God and wanted to harm God in any way. He intended to fill Aiviekste river with stones near Nagrote. The devil had already collected all the stones from this area and poured one bag into Aiviekste river near Nagrote, where the rapids of Aiviekste are. The second bag of stones was bigger. While climbing over the Kuja River, the devil tore his trousers. Then he went right there to the Skroderi. It used to be called the Jaunauziņi house. He got a thill there. He sat down on the big rock and sewed his trousers using a thill like a needle. He took oat grass instead of threads. He had just finished with the sewing, and the Auziņi rooster crowed on the other side of Kuja. All the devil could think to do was to cut and run. From that time, the boulder remained on the shore of Kuja and is called Velna Skroderis.
An ancient, somewhat scary, but interesting bridge leads to Velna Skroderis boulder over the Kujas River. Walking straight ahead, after about 100 meters you can reach the ruins of the old mill of Auziņi. The boulder itself was originally named after this mill. Read more about the mill here, on the "Vidzemēs" website.

Working time

This place is always available.