Drustu Regional History Museum

A small, charming western-style house houses a classic, but thematically and diligently organized Drustu local history museum, the exterior of which matches the interior!

The beginnings of the museum can be traced back to the activities of Jānis Arājs, a history teacher at Drustu School, in the 1970s and 1980s. The teacher began to collect various historical objects and materials to make history lessons more interesting. These were photographs, reminiscences, clippings from press materials, documents and old testimonies about the establishment and operation of schools. When Drustu School celebrated its 300th anniversary in 1987, a wide range of materials had already been collected for an exhibition. So, the participants of the celebration suggested creating a school museum. The work on the creation of the museum was continued, and the collection turned into the Drustu Local History Museum on October 28, 2008. Read more about Jānis Arājs in the "Human Stories" section.
The place will appeal to all generations.
The place can be visited in small groups.
The mission of the museum is to stimulate public interest in Drustu Parish and the desire to visit the museum and participate in the creation of the museum and the organized events through expositions and educational events about the history and current events of Drustu Parish.
The place is suitable at any time of the year, with prior application.

Working time

Mo, We: 11am – 6pm
Tu: 2pm – 7pm
Th: 10am – 6pm
Fr: 10am – 3pm
Sa, Su: closed