Kalna Kaibēni – a memorial museum of the Kaudzītes brothers

It is a place where the most legendary Latvian writers worked and later lived. “Kalna Kaibēni” is Latvia’s oldest memorial museum in a small country house, where a great personality still lives.

In the "Kalna Kaibēni" garden, the visitor can meet the characters of the novel "Mērnieku laiki", the legendary "memory corner" and the gazebo where Matīss Kaudzīte rested from gardening. Since the winter of 2020, a viewing platform has again been available to visitors in the "Kalna Kaibēni" garden.
Tours are available for individual visitors and groups led by the long-time owner of the museum, Aivars Ošiņas. House furnishings that were created during the writers' lifetime, travel souvenirs, and household items have been preserved and supplemented by exhibitions of historical materials. Read more about Aivars in the "Human Stories" section.
The place is suitable for visitors of different ages.
The place is available for larger groups by prior application.
Kaudzītes wrote the novel "Mērnieku laiki" and almost all the rest of about fifty books in the "Kalna Kaibēni". They planned many social events and taught 1229 students in the first 14 years of their long life as teachers. There was a parish school in Kalna Kaibēni from 1868 to 1882. Matīss Kaudzīte was its teacher, Reinis was an assistant teacher. In 1882, the school was moved from "Kalna Kaibēni" to the nearby building of the new Ogrēnskola. The Kaudzītes brothers bought "Kalna Kaibēne" and continued their work as teachers at Ogrēnskola.
Rooms are available for conferences and other events for up to 30 people.
Founded in 1929, the Memorial Museum of the brothers Reiņis (1839 – 1920) and Matīss (1848 – 1926) Kaudzītes is the oldest memorial museum in Latvia and a monument of the history of schools in the 1860s and 1870s.

Working time

Open from May to October:
Mo, Tu: closed
We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su: 10am – 5pm