Vecpiebalga manor

Used as a prototype in the famous Kaudzīši brothers’ novel “Mērnieku laiki” (“Times of Surveyors”), Vecpiebalga manor continues to radiate grandeur even 150 years later!

The manor is surrounded by a regularly planned landscape park with an area of 4.2 ha. There are 43 species of trees and shrubs, 22 of which are exotic. The park is surrounded by a stone fence. The manor is located by the shortest river in Latvia - the Arisa river.
In the servant's house there is a shop of local artisans and hand craftsmen's products – Gardenia Eco candles, Apimi bee products and Piebalga porcelain factory dishes. More information about the companies can be found here, on the "Vidzemēs" website.
A large number of visitors can view the manor and the park from the outside.
The Vecpiebalga manor building was built in 1688 as the property of the Swedish government. After the Northern War, Peter I presented the manor to Boris Sheremetyev, who built the manor's residential building in its current form around 1784 - 1786. The classicist building of Vecpiebalga manor served as the prototype of Slātava manor in the famous novel "Mērnieku laiki” ("Times of Surveyors") by Reinis and Matīss Kaudzīši.
The place can be viewed at any time. Please contact Gardenia Eco or Piebalga Porcelain Factory for the shop's opening hours.

Working time

Outside space is always available.
You can buy the products only with prior application for a certain day and time.