Ozoliņi – herbal teas

There is a small farm surrounded by rich forests and meadows. For many years, the farm has been supplying the Vidzeme Highlands and the whole of Latvia with various herbal teas collected in untouched nature.

The density of different plants in the meadows has reached 50 species per m2. The houses are surrounded by forest, Aisterkalns hill and Bezdibenezers lake.
The owner Brigita Lukina has been making tea mixes for several decades based on the recommendations of Doctor of Science Helēna Rubīne. It is possible to order the ritual of creating your own tea from plants encountered or chosen during the meeting. The process is led by Evita Lukina. It is also possible to arrange on-site lessons. Read more about the Lukins family in the "Human Stories" section.
20 types of organic teas are available, picked and packed on a certified organic farm. Products can be purchased on-site by prior application.
The tea meditation and workshop can be provided for up to 15 people by prior application only.

Working time

Visit only with prior application for a certain day and time.