Mountain honey – a farm

The “Latvian Heritage” (“Latviskais mantojums”) farm, Kalnu medus, is located in the heart of the Vidzeme highlands and is the highest bee hive in the Baltics!

The buildings of the Lubeja manor, a park and oak alleys are located around the territory. Beehives are placed on the highest peak of Latvia, Gaiziņkalns, as well as on other scenic mountain peaks – Punktiņkalns, Bākūžkalns and others. Depending on the seasonality, more than 200 natural nectar plants gradually bloom in the surrounding meadows.
During the visit, you will learn about the role of bees in the processes of nature and their positive impact on human life and health. You will learn about the life processes of bees: the appearance of bees, the life of the colony and the hierarchy model. You will find out how the beekeeper's work changes with the change of seasons, you will look at the beekeeper's work tools and production equipment together. You will try your hand at the work of a beekeeper and participate in the practical "Apiarian's apiary".
Beekeeping products can be tasted and purchased at the end of the visit or excursion.
The farm is open to visitors of all ages. Special outfits for children are available.
40 children's overalls and 10 adult overalls are available for visiting the apiary. There is also a workshop for school classes - "Get to know the profession of a beekeeper".

Working time

Visit only with prior application for a certain day and time.