Meistars Sarkaņos – natural treasures

The taste laboratory led by Māris Dolbe in Sarkaņi offers the most diverse ways to discover and fall in love with the tastes and smells of the Vidzeme highlands all over again!

A tasting program is available at the home production company of the Māris Dolbe family. The offer includes acorn coffee, 8 syrups, fermented fireweed (Chamaenerion angustifolium) tea, non-alcoholic wine, hydrolat perfumes. You will gain new information about plants and their valuable properties as well. If tourists are interested, Māris also talks about the stars, how they affect us, how to make friends with them and why it is necessary. Read more about Māris Dolbe in the "Human Stories" section.
A shop with a wide range of natural products for health and nutrition is available - hydrolates (up to 20 types), plant and mushroom powders, acorn coffee, pastillas, syrups (up to 40 types), fermented teas, coffee, candied fruits, wine, juices, jams etc. The visit must be booked.
In the company's store you will find delicacies for all ages. Tours and tastings are suitable for a wide range of visitors.
The place can also be visited in groups larger than 10 people. We invite you to contact us in advance about current availability.
The place is also open during the winter season.

Working time

Visit only with prior application for a certain day and time.