Edgars Zaharovs – owner of Madonas Alus (Madonas Beer)

Together we are a greater association. We have greater opportunities to influence the state or municipalities by cooperating with each other.

The exchange of experience is important. It is wiser if we each learn a little and then share our experiences and opinions and try what others recommend.

I love to brew beer. I have been doing this for a long time. At Madonas Alus restaurant in Bodnieki, the newly created garden cultivated for several years and of course the brewery. There is no need to hurry anywhere; the guests can enjoy both beer and food, providing especially important feedback. Live and on the spot.

What we do is develop recipes and create new ones. We experiment, provide new flavours and ask for evaluation. The response we hope for is: “Oh, that’s good!” And when the majority cheers and approves, we begin to introduce the beer to the store.

In Madonas Alus, you will never get what is already on the store shelf. You will get something else. Something new, which is interesting for us.

I see Vidzeme as an opportunity to grow. My guests are definitely missing an itinerary and a pre-packaged activity. I take care of the flavours; you take care of the rest. Getting involved in creating a common tourism offer in Vidzeme is of great benefit to me as well.