Veckalsnava Alley

Although relatively short, Veckalsnava alley is almost overgrown with large trees and leads to a magical place – the ruins of the Veckalsnava church. The alleys are on the list of protected alleys.

Broad-leaved trees of great age and dimensions grow in the alley. The dominant tree species is linden, but there are also other broad-leaved species, especially in the younger generation of trees – oaks, maples, elms and others. A large number of trees in the alley have reached the size of giant trees. In total there are 14 giant trees in the alley, several more trees are approaching the circumference of giant trees. Three specially protected invertebrate species have been found in the alley – the jet ant (Lasius fuliginosus), the marble beetle (Liocola marmorata) and the Roman snail or Burgundy snail (Helix pomatia). In addition, one indicator species of natural forest habitats – the dark shadow beetle (Melandrya dubia) has been found. Also, one specially protected species of lichen, Sclerophora pallida, was found on an elm in the alley. Also, one indicator species of natural forests – Bacidia rubella was found in the alley.
A large number of people can visit the place.
The chronicle of the Kalsnava church says that the first Lutheran church in Veckalsnava was a very old wooden building, the tower of which had been removed a long time ago. The age of the church cannot be determined even from the church books. The first Veckalsnava church was destroyed in 1643. News about the current stone church appeared in 1774, when the church book recorded the delivery of stones to the new church. In 1830, they still stood unused, but later the construction of the present stone church was gradually started. The construction was completed in 1835, and the new church was consecrated. From 1908 to 1918, the pastor of the Kalsnava parish was the Latvian writer and politician Andrievs Niedra. In 1944, during the Second World War, the church was destroyed. After the restoration of Latvia's independence, the ruins of the church and the surrounding area were cleaned up. You can read more about the church here, on the "Vidzemēs" website.

Working time

This place is always available.