Kalnagala canal locks

When thinking about complex and rich networks of canals you should keep in mind that the most branched and most closely connected network of canals in Latvia is situated at the Kalnagala canal locks!

The place is very scenic, flat and uncharacteristic of the Vidzeme highlands, as it is located at its foot next to Lake Lubāna. It often floods. It is located near the Lubāna wetland information center, which you can find here on the "Vidzemēs" website.
Several canals meet at the locks, which play an important role in water regulation and safety. The Meirāni canal is the most important of them. It was built as a flood control structure of the Lubāna lowland, which diverts to Aiviekste part of the Malmuta, Lisiņa and Teicija rivers that previously flowed into Lubāna, and serves as the runoff of the Īdeņi canal, the Zvidziena canal and the outlet canal of Lake Lubāna. The Meirāni canal was built between 1956 and 1962, renovated between March 2018 and September 2020.
The place is available at any time of the year.

Working time

This place is always available.