Vatrāne Alley

It is one of the most beautiful alleys in the Vidzeme highlands, which is located on the territory of the burnt Vatrāne manor and is on the list of protected alleys.

Medium-sized, middle-aged to old broad-leaved trees grow in the alley. These are oaks, lindens, maples and ash trees. During the inventory, 38 trees with different types of hollows were noted in the area of the alley. In addition to that, other microbiotopes important for invertebrate species were also noted – dead wood (branches, individual dead trees) and trees with fruiting bodies of wood fungi. Also, one specially protected species of lichen was found in the alley – pale sclerophora (Sclerophora pallida), with three deposits noted.
A large number of people can visit the place.
The alley is part of the Vatrāne manor complex, which was first mentioned during the Swedish-Polish war (1600-1629). The Swedes occupied Vidzeme and consolidating their power there, handed over many manors, including the Vatrāne manor, to their officers. After 1698, a settlement had already formed around the manor. In 1834, it came into the possession of the German baron Tranze family. In the riots of 1905, the building of the lords of the manor was burned down; later it was restored. The last owner of Vatrāne manor was Baron Professor Pauls Sokolovskis. During the Soviet years, a 7-grade elementary school was established in the manor's house. There is a shop on the right side. Entrance to the store is via wooden stairs. In the 1970s, the school was closed and apartments were created in the building. The building burned down in 1988 and has not been restored. You can find more about the ruins of Vatrāne manor here, on the "Vidzemēs" website.

Working time

This place is always available.