Ozolkalnu Alley

It is one of the most beautiful alleys in the Vidzeme highlands, and it is on the list of protected alleys.

In total, 136 trees are listed in the alley, of which 10 trees have reached the girth of giant trees. Broad-leaved trees of great age and dimensions grow in the alley, the dominant tree species are linden and oak, but there are also other broad-leaved species. Maples, ashes, elms, and old birches also grow in the western part of the alley. The alley has a lot of hollow trees too, which serve as a home for countless groups of different organisms. Two specially protected species of invertebrates have been found in Ozokalna Alley – the jet-black ant (Lasius fuliginosus), the marble beetle (Liocola marmorata) and one indicator species of natural forest lichens (Bacidia rubella) has been found. Extremely beautiful in autumn.
A large number of people can visit the place.
The place is available at any time of the year.

Working time

This place is always available.