Lielie kupri – holiday home

“Lielie kupri” was built on a place where an old drying barn once stood. It is a traditional Latvian country holiday house, and a cosy recreation area is maintained around it.

Culinary program "Viesienas klučkas" about the ancient dishes of the area is available (for 5-25 people). Prior application is mandatory.
The holiday home is suitable for visitors of different ages.
Culinary program "Viesienas klučkas" is available for up to 25 persons.
Country style accommodation available with 2 bedrooms, sauna, and portable hot tub. Overnight guests with dogs are accommodated.
It is possible to organize small celebrations for up to 25 people in optimally equipped rooms. Sound equipment is available.
The holiday home is open at any time.

Working time

Visit only with prior application for a certain day and time.